Days Of Our Lives Spoilers September 10: Ej And Stefan Battle Over Gabi

Days of our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, September 10, pit brother against brother as EJ and Stefan nearly come to blows, while Ava, of all people, urges Gabi to give her husband another chance.

The Triangle That Wouldn’t Be

Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) is married to Stefan (Brandon Barash). Stefan slept with Ava (Tamara Braun) while Gabi was in prison. Gabi found out and was so furious that she slept with EJ (Dan Feuerriegel). This should be a triangle. Or a square.

But, here’s the thing: Ava doesn’t want Stefan. It was a fling. A spur of the moment bad decision. He does look so much like her dead love, Stefan’s twin, Jake. And Stefan… well, his wife had been away for a LONG time. Neither one is interested in a relationship. This is why Ava tries to talk Gabi into forgiving and forgetting.

Meanwhile, EJ doesn’t want Gabi either. But it is kind of fun to needle Stefan. Who can pretend all he wants that Gabi sleeping with EJ soured Stefan on his wife for good? We know that’s not true. And so does EJ.

Shriek of Life

Paulina (Jackée Harry) is under the impression that she can get anything she wants by shrieking. We don’t blame her. Her feedback loop confirms it. She shrieks, and she gets a snow plow to go find her precious baby in a snowstorm. She freaks, and her beloved Abraham (James Reynolds) gives her whatever she wants. She shrieks and her daughters forgive her anything, her employees scurry off, and her heart heals itself.

So is it any wonder, then, that Paulina believes she can shriek Rafe (Galen Gering) awake? And what’s better than standing over a comatose man and yelling at him to wake up? Standing over a comatose man who works for you and ordering him to wake up. Yup, that should do it. Maybe next, Paulina might order Jada (Elia Cantu) to follow up on her bad feelings about Connie (Julie Dove). That might achieve something useful.