Days Of Our Lives Spoilers August 28: Brady Makes A Confession

Days of our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, August 28, make it impossible for Brady to keep what he thinks is his secret. So he comes clean to Jada.

Confession Is Good For the Soul

Brady (Eric Martsolf) is an addict. He has lied for months on end to keep his habit a secret. But it turns out he’s lost his knack. It’s only been a few days since he thinks he ran over Sarah (Linsey Godfrey), and now he can’t keep it to himself anymore.

Jada (Elia Cantu — who said she wants this for Jada) asked him about his car. Brady told her — honestly — that it had been stolen. He just didn’t mention when. You’d think that technical version of the truth would be enough for him to get away with stalling. But, nope. His silly conscience gets to him. And he blabs.

Talk to the Hand

Fiona (Serena Scott Thomas) has been blabbing, too. Mostly to baby Victoria (so we can all hear what she’s thinking). Sure, Victoria doesn’t understand what Nana is talking about (Victoria is about to turn a year old, and she’s still babbling like a baby and being carried around like a swaddled infant, so we are worried about Victoria’s development in general).

But does Fiona think no one else can? Justin (Wallace Kurth) overhears Xander’s (Paul Telfer) mummy doing one of her famous monologues. Will it be enough to crack Sarah’s hit-and-run case wide open?

Secret Meetings

Tate (Leo Howard) and Holly (Ashley Puzemis) spent the summer hiding out at the Horton cabin while lying to their parents and guardians. Tate finally came clean to Brady — perhaps inspiring Brady to do the same with Jada — and now Holly needs to do the same.

They’re sure their lies will be waved away as just youthful hijinks. After all, everyone else around them has done worse. So why should they pay a price when nobody else does?