Days Of Our Lives Mirror Image: Why Jerry Should Stick Around

Nurse Whitley thought she could continue gaslighting an amnesiac Abe on Days of our Lives, by reuniting him with his son, Theo. Unfortunately, the real Theo knows that Whitley isn’t the real Paulina. Which is why Paulina roped in Jerry, a young actor whose grandmother Whitley helped commit insurance fraud.

Days of our Lives: Not Just Jerry

As a fun Easter egg to longtime DAYS fans, Jerry is played by Terrell Ransom Jr., who actually portrayed Abe and Lexie Carver’s son from 2008 to 2015. Jerry isn’t thrilled that he’s been tricked into conning the mayor. We, however, think he should stick to it – and stick around.

DAYS: Hero Spot

Yeah, Jerry wasn’t introduced to us in the best light, but now that Whitley (Kim Coles) has decided Abe (James Reynolds) needs to die in order to keep her secret safe, Jerry has the chance to play hero! If he’s the one who rescues Abe from Whitley’s clutches and brings him back to Paulina (Jackee Harry) and the genuine Theo (Cameron Johnson), his slate will be wiped clean. And now he can join the Salem community!

Days of our Lives: Young at Heart

DAYS definitely needs a revitalized youth scene and, currently, there are many young ladies who could command his attention. There are Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Talia, to start. Who certainly won’t be getting back together with each other in the near future.

And then there’s Wendy (Victoria Grace). It may seem like she has her dance card full with Tripp (Lucas Adams) and Johnny (Carson Boatman). But Tripp tends to disappear for weeks at a time. And Johnny’s drug-laced proposal is still sticking in Wendy’s craw. Wendy and Jerry can start fresh. We don’t know much about him. Except that, he seems to love his grandma, wants to be an actor…and has not yet let Wendy down. And, in the end, that may be enough to get the ball rolling. Then we can see where it goes from there.