Blue Bloods Season 14: Is Abigail Hawk Returning As Abigail Baker?

The Blue Bloods cast has been greatly impacted by Abigail Baker (Abigail Hawk). She was debuted as a founding member of the cast in season 1, and she has starred in some of the most well-known plots of the program. However, there have been significant reservations regarding the character’s departure in season 14. Starte Facts claims that Hawk was omitted from the list of returning cast members in a press release for the upcoming season.

This led to some concern on the part of fans, as the other name left off the press release, Tony Terraciano, has already left the show full-time to attend college. It seemed like we were being told the character of Baker was going to be written off unceremoniously, but is this actually true?

Is Abigail Bakerreturning to Blue Bloods?

While there’s definitely some cause for concern, given the press release, it’s important to remember that Baker is one of the show’s secondary characters. She does not play as big a part in Blue Bloods as any of the members of the Reagan family, or even someone like Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez). She may be featured in all of the season 14 episodes, as is most likely the case with the main cast members, but that doesn’t guarantee she won’t appear at all.

Besides, Hawk has said nothing about being written off the show. Generally, actors will acknowledge rumors of them leaving a show, and confirm it if it turns out to be true. She has done nothing of the short and has actually been very complementary of Blue Bloods and the impact it’s had on her career. Hawk gushed about the various things she’d learned from the show during an interview with Hamptons.

“I feel as if I’ve almost grown into myself as a woman in this decade that I’ve been working,” she explained. “Really, everything that I’ve learned as a professional actor has happened on my time on the show. It’s a personal triumph for me, but it’s also a professional and creative triumph. It’s incredibly rare for a network show to make it to 100 episodes, let alone 200.”

We’re cautiously optimistic that Baker will be back in action when Blue Bloods season 14 premieres on CBS.