Blue Bloods : Great Parenting From Blue Blood

Let your kids make their own choices—and accept their own consequences
When Jamie Reagan was suspended for disobeying a direct order from a new lieutenant while saving a little boy from a car accident, Frank refused to use his influence and power to change the situation.
Be strict, but fair
Nicky’s 16th birthday party was an extravagant affair and Erin went above and beyond to make sure her daughter had an amazing time. However, when the two were dress shopping for the special event, Erin nixed a few of Nicky’s outfit choices because they were too revealing. Though the two disagreed like most mothers and daughters, they settled amicably on an age-appropriate black dress.
Exude the behavior you wish to see in your children

Frank Reagan could have delegated the job when a K-9 unit officer pleaded for help saving her dog. Instead, the Police Commissioner of New York City personally performed the test with the pooch. Always treat people with the respect they deserve, regardless of rank.
Encourage your children to take responsibility
When Nicky attended a party with her friend, she had no idea that the night would turn upside down. A huge crowd of kids ran for the door when they heard two of the party-goers had overdosed. Nicky, who knew that she shouldn’t have been at an underage drinking party in the first place, called the police instead of running away. Knowing she would be in serious trouble meant nothing to her when somebody else was in need.
Make time for open and honest conversations
While Frank Reagan may be the NYPD Police Commissioner with more issues to address than there are hours in the day, he always sets aside time for children and grandchildren. His first duty is to his family and he shows that by confronting them when he thinks that something is weighing on them. He encourages them to be honest and open about their feelings, and it’s always appreciated.
Encourage your children to do what is right, not what is easy

Jamie risked his life and his undercover operation when he and his sergeant saw a building on fire. Without hesitation, Jamie rushed into the building to save a baby trapped on the second floor.
Allow everyone’s opinions to be heard
The Reagan family is large and each member has an even larger opinion. Instead of mere pleasantries, everyone is encouraged to speak and be heard—especially at Sunday dinner.
Encourage your children to follow their dreams—even if they change
Jamie Reagan originally followed in his sister’s footsteps, receiving a law degree from a prestigious Ivy League university. However, he decided to change paths and become a police officer. His family supported him all the way.
Stand up for what you believe in
When Jamie heard that his training sergeant has been making unwanted advances toward Eddie, he was rightfully angry. A partner can be like a member of your extended family. Jamie later asked the training sergeant to drinks. As the two walked through a bar, Jamie had arranged a surprise welcoming committee: every woman on the force whom the training sergeant had treated inappropriately. Jamie’s set-up convinced the man to transfer.
Make quality time for your whole family—and cherish it
The Reagans have dinner together on Sunday nights. There are no exceptions or excuses—attendance is pretty much mandatory. Everyone can take a page out of the Reagan’s book when it comes to prioritizing family time.