Blue Bloods Choose Jackie Over Baez, Any Day Of The Week


Danny Reagan might have missed one too many things over the dramatic turns of his life, but he was never short on potential romantic partners.

Throughout the course of Detective Danny Reagan’s career, he had multiple partners, and fans wanted some of them to become closer to him.

Whenever Danny and his partner spent more than a couple of seconds on-screen together, the Blue Bloods fans immediately knew that this was fate and started shipping them.

Despite the fact that Danny has worked with multiple beautiful colleagues by now, the vast majority of the show’s audience is split into two main groups.

One of them wants Danny to get together with his current partner, Maria Baez, and the other remains loyal to the idea of him falling together with Jackie Curatola who he used to work with.

Amid Jackie’s possible return rumors, Blue Bloods saw the latter group wake up from its sleep.

They claim that with Jackie back in the show and Danny admittedly being ready to move on relationship-wise, it’s now inevitable that the long-anticipated pairing finally happens.

They have a point there, too. Jackie and Maria are very different, and Danny obviously had some chemistry going on with them both, but he seemed more relaxed and more… Himself with Jackie, didn’t he?


“Jackie complimented Danny as a partner. They are very similar in personality so they pretty much flow well. Baez makes Danny a better person. Unlike Jakie… she actually pushes back and tries to keep Danny in line,” notes Reddit user StevenArviv.

They are far from alone on this hill.

Most, if not all fan discussions regarding Danny’s potential romantic lines have a bunch of people defending Danny and Jackie’s pair.

The chemistry between the two has always been great, and many fans share that they shipped these two together since day one and still love the pairing.

For a long time, it could only be seen as a dream — but ever since the recent rumors of Jackie Curatola’s return, Daez-sided fans have been feeling in danger.

After all, there’s barely any other reason to have Jackie come back other than progress their paused but definitely not forgotten romantic line with Danny, is there?
