Ava Vitali And Clyde Weston: A New Days Power Couple In The Making

When Tripp got his arm cut on Days of our Lives, we scratched our collective heads, wondering what the plot point had to do with anything. Then we found out Clyde Weston orchestrated the attack from jail as a way to get Ava Vitali to visit him. Why was Clyde suddenly looking to make new friends? We realize jail is lonely, but Ava isn’t exactly a safe choice…for anything. We have to admit — we’re intrigued.

Days of our Lives: Ava Vitali Met Her Match

It’s been a long time since the show aired a plot twist that wasn’t foreshadowed for days, if not weeks, in advance. Shawn (Brandon Beemer) shooting Bo (Peter Reckell) was pretty much the only big shocker recently. Everything since then, DAYS has been a lesson in how not to create tension. Now, we have scenes with Clyde (James Read) and Ava (Tamara Braun). We can’t wait to see what is coming next!

DAYS: Act Up

Sure, both actors are pros who give their best in every scene, but there is just so much they can do when given near-impossible-to-sell material. This is why it was so nice to watch now that they have something to sink their teeth into.

Clyde teased and taunted Ava — and the audience — before he laid out what he did, why he did it, and what he planned to do next. Ava, for her part, wasn’t intimidated by any old murderer. Hell, she has quite the killer past herself. Not to mention, she comes from a family full of them. Clyde pitched her the ball and Ava lobbed it right back…until Clyde made threats toward her precious son.

Days of our Lives: Wrap It Up

In less than 15 minutes of total airtime, Read and Braun managed to keep our attention — and make us hungry for more. This storyline has the potential to pull in Tripp (Lucas Adams), Wendy (Victoria Grace), Harris (Steve Burton), and EJ (Dan Feuerriegel). We don’t know exactly where it’s going but we are more excited than we have been in a long time.