Annemarie Wiley Calls Out Crystal Kung Minkoff’S “Backstabbing Behavior,” And Suggests She Puts On A “Façade” To “Save Her Rhobh Job” In A Scathing Post As Dorit Reacts

Annemarie Wiley suggested Crystal Kung Minkoff is a “pathological liar,” shared what happened “behind closed doors,” and hinted Crystal puts on a “façade” to “save [her] job.”

On the current season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Crystal claimed that Annemarie called herself an anesthesiologist instead of a nurse anesthetist. On social media, Crystal also seemingly shaded Dorit Kemsley with a post on “keys to a successful marriage.”

Now, Annemarie wrote her own post about “keys to a clear conscience” – which seems clearly directed at Crystal.

“Do not misrepresent the truth about someone else’s character, career, or integrity to give yourself a storyline – especially when you have a well documented history of being a pathological liar,” wrote Annemarie on Instagram. “Do not back stab someone, then admit to them off camera that you lied about them for a storyline, then cry on their shoulder behind closed doors about keeping up the lie and the fighting stressing you out and causing your blood pressure to elevate, then extend an olive branch on camera, only to not let it go and back stab them once again.”


“Do not repeatedly disrespect and diminish a healthcare worker’s profession (or anyone’s for that matter), especially after they advocated to get you to a hospital and helped you when no one else wanted to,” Annemarie went on. “Healthcare workers dedicate their lives to helping others. Nurses are imperative.”

She suggested that this was Crystal’s attempt to keep her diamond.

“Find your voice, but do so by building yourself up, not by having to try and tear the same person down continuously,” she said. “Always be authentically yourself, regardless of who’s watching. Don’t put on a facade to save your job.”

Dorit then responded in the comments with a hand-over-mouth emoji.