Adam Takes A Frightened, In Pain Sally Spectra To The Hospital

The Young and the Restless recap brings terror for Sally as she worries about her baby amid extreme pain, so Adam rushes her to the hospital.

Young and the Restless Recap Highlights

Elena confronts Victoria and Nate before arriving at the hospital looking tired. Chelsea and Billy worry about Connor’s mood despite his reassurances. Cameron tries to take Sharon away from Genoa City, but Nick arrives in time to stop him — however, Faith is still missing. Now let’s take a deeper dive into what went down.

Young and the Restless: Sally Spectra Pregnancy Complication

Victoria (Amelia Heinle) and Nate (Sean Dominic) discussed Nick’s ability to do his job over a meal at the Genoa City Athletic Club. He wondered if she should keep talking about Nick, and Nate reminded her she had other options in Nikki and Victor, but Victoria only wanted Nate to help her at work.

“You’re exactly what Newman needs. What I need,” Victoria said. Nate also noted that he respected, admired, and cared about Victoria. He was mentally, emotionally, and physically attracted to her. Nate felt confident Audra would cover him at Newman Media, and Victoria knew exactly what the woman wanted.

She predicted she and Audra wouldn’t be best friends, and she warned that Audra better pay attention because Adam wanted to attack the company. Nate suggested they play defense, and he wanted to go after McCall Unlimited’s biggest weaknesses. Victoria agreed.

“Well, isn’t this cozy,” Elena said snarkily as she walked up to the couple. She noted that Nate and Victoria weren’t keeping their relationship a secret. He urged her not to make a scene like she did in Los Angeles. She assured him she wouldn’t. Elena said Victoria wasn’t intelligent after falling for two users in a row — Ashland and then his best man, Nate.

Nate apologized for Elena, but Victoria said he shouldn’t. She pointed out that Elena was free to find the right person, and he hoped so since he knew what it felt like now.

Nate tried to speak up, but Victoria said she could handle it. She said Elena was saying hurtful things due to being hurt. Elena didn’t let Victoria get away with it, and she predicted the future where Nate and Victoria burned each other down to the ground. “It’s going to be really fun to watch. Enjoy your evening,” she said rudely.

At Crimson Lights, Billy (Jason Thompson) ordered tea and brownies. Out on the patio, Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) called Adam (Mark Grossman), and he was in Sally’s (Courtney Hope) hotel room. He let Chelsea know Sally was sleeping, and he whispered as Chelsea explained her worries about Connor. He agreed to help find a child therapist in the morning.

Sally woke up and asked if it was Nick, and Adam told her it was Chelsea. He urged Sally to rest, but she wanted to leave the room. She started freaking out, and Adam tried his best to reassure her. He blamed her reaction over being hangry, and she yelled at him to stop treating her like a child.

Young and the Restless Recap: Sally Spectra In Crisis

Sally insisted she was going out no matter what. He pointed out she needed her shoes, and Sally begged him to tell her if something was wrong with Nick. They argued, and Adam ultimately relented.

At Society, Sally complained about not being able to eat what she wanted. She also wasn’t pleased she hadn’t heard from Nick. Adam tried to work with Sally to find something appetizing for her and the baby — hot sauce was on Sally’s mind.

Adam turned the talk to baby names, and he asked if she’d consider “Hope,” after his mother, even as a middle name. She agreed to add it to the list, but she didn’t want to choose just yet out of superstition. As they talked, Sally grabbed her stomach in severe pain. Adam jumped up to take her to the hospital, and he promised Sally everything would be okay.

Elena walked into the hospital. Sally and Adam burst in, asking for help. She told Elena her symptoms — a headache and pain, and Elena went to get more help as Sally continued to struggle in pain.

Young and the Restless Recap: Worries

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea was surprised to see Connor (Judah Mackey), and he snapped at her. Ultimately, he wanted to know if his mom was mad at him for shutting himself in his room, and Chelsea said she wasn’t.

Connor was sorry for being a jerk to Billy and Johnny, too. Billy told the pre-teen he didn’t have to worry about that. Chelsea asked her son to tell them what was going on, and Billy wondered if Connor’s mood had to do with the baby. Connor said that he was getting used to the idea of having a sister, and Chelsea reminded him he didn’t have to go through it alone. She brought up the notion of a therapist, but Connor only wanted to talk to Chelsea.

After eating his brownie, Connor said he was ready for bed. He kissed Chelsea goodnight and went upstairs. Chelsea felt more worried than ever.

Y&R Recap: A Madman And A Tunnel

“How did you get in here,” Sharon (Sharon Case) asked. Cameron (Linden Ashby) said he’d found a workaround. She wanted to know where Faith was, but Cameron wasn’t interested in talking about that. He noted that time hadn’t touched Sharon, and it was the first time they’d been alone since he’d returned.

Cameron creepily relayed that he continuously thought of Sharon the whole time he was incarcerated. Sharon demanded to know where Faith was. “She’s fine…for now,” he said. Whatever happened next was fully up to Sharon. Cameron locked the door.

Sharon wanted to know what it would take to get Faith back, and Cameron said it was simple. He just wanted her to leave with him and agree to spend the rest of her life with him. Sharon reminded him that last time that demand hadn’t ended well. Cameron blamed Nick for that debacle.

Sharon told Cameron he put her in an impossible situation and that taking her daughter wasn’t a good way to get back together with her. He said he knew Sharon better than she knew herself, and he proclaimed she’d resigned herself to being alone. The reason? Every man she’d ever known had let her down. No man had ever loved her more than he had, and it didn’t change after 20 years in prison.

Sharon denied that Cameron loved her and called what he did abuse. “Taking Faith is the only way I knew to get your attention,” he snapped. Cameron insisted their connection was real and unstoppable. He denigrated the life Sharon created, “slinging coffee.” He said she was better than that.

They argued, and he was upset that she kept mentioning her daughter, so Cameron promised to remove any distractions Sharon might have. She wasn’t at all convinced that threatening Faith’s life was love. Cameron got angry and yelled at her. She said Nick and Chance would be there soon, but Cameron said he let Nick know he had 20 minutes to save Faith. He also pointed out that Chance fell for the deed he left in his room. He set it all up to get Sharon alone, and nobody was coming to save her.

“The truth is, there’s no way out of this for you,” he said. “I’ll do whatever you want, Cameron. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please let Faith go,” Sharon begged. He agreed to let Faith go as soon as he and Sharon were far away from Genoa City. Sharon agreed. She wondered where they were going, but Cameron said it was a surprise.
Cameron kissed her, and Nick walked in, immediately attacking Cameron. They fought as Sharon called for help. He knocked Nick out, and Sharon told Cameron to go to hell. The madman yelled that he had Sharon’s child.

Nick went after Cameron, who’d run upstairs, but he returned saying Cameron had gotten away. The madman dug a tunnel under the house and made a hole in the closet of Noah’s old room. That’s how he evaded security. Sharon told Nick that Cameron was headed to Faith, and she said they had to stop him.