Why Days Of Our Lives Must Fire The Entire Salem Police Force


On Days of our Lives, Dimitri may be the son of a criminal mastermind — though both nature and nurture went out the window once he set eyes on Leo, it would seem — and Leo is a complete and total idiot. Yet these two bunglers were repeatedly able to pull the wool over the eyes of every member of the Salem Police Force over and over again. And, that’s only the start of the Salem PD’s problems.

Days of our Lives: Clear the Decks

From “Nurse Leora” helping Dimitri (Peter Porte) escape and leaving a handcuffed Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) in his place, to their Halloween shenanigans, to Dimitri getting Jada’s (Elia Cantu) gun away from her, knocking her out, and stealing her car! What a Keystone Cops level of ineptitude. Sure, they have Leo (Greg Rikaart) at the precinct right now, but how long will that even last? Surely, he’ll slip away as he always does.

Political Games

Not helping much is the newly elected Mayor of Salem Paulina Price (Jackée Harry). First off, were we the only ones suspicious how she got her results first thing in the morning, while all other electoral districts had to be silly and wait for actual votes to be counted? Secondly, she boasted about how she fired Melinda (Tina Huang) for incompetence — but mostly because she just didn’t like her.

Yet, Melinda was handed near-impossible tasks trying to get convictions. Rafe (Galen Gering) and Jada were handed gift after gift. First, an injured Dimitri was handcuffed to a hospital bed. How hard could it be to bring in someone that injured? And then, Jada had a gun on both Dimitri and Leo, only to fall for the old, “Oh, my wrists can’t fit standard cuffs” ploy. (It’s not an old ploy? You mean Jada was the first to fall for it, ever?)


Let’s also talk about bringing on former henchman Harris (Steve Burton). Sure, he’s working on the right side of the law right now but isn’t his kinda-sorta-girlfriend committing crime after crime? Also, let’s not forget it wasn’t so long ago he was programmed to kill. Hmm…maybe they need to rethink that choice.

Foot Patrol

Throw in the beat cops who didn’t spot Leo and Dimitri not just in their oh-so-clever ghost disguises on Halloween, but also their holding up in a sleazy motel. Are sleazy motels not the first place beat cops are supposed to look for suspects? Paulina has real just cause to clean house and fire the lot of them. It’s time to start fresh. No one at the SPD can manage to snatch up a suspect, never mind get a conviction. Enough is enough!
