Days Recap: Rafe Vows To Lock Up Ej Once And For All


In the Days of our Lives recap for October 11, 2023, Commissioner Hernandez doubles down on the desire to see EJ put behind bars.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Ava and Harris find themselves free and clear, and Holly proves that she’s as bad as her momma ever was. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Clean Slate

Try as he might, EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) couldn’t convince Susan (Stacy Haiduk) to press charges against Ava (Tamara Braun). In fact, the only thing that was concerning Susan was the mystery man who shipped her off to Edmund. Rafe (Galen Gering) assured Susan he had that well in hand.

Ava was soon put in her place by Rafe, who reminded her that she wasn’t out of the woods just yet. Sure, the Salem Police Department isn’t going to press charges for her escaping Bayview and going on the lam to England. And she and Harris (Steve Burton) are going to slide on the whole forged passports things as as well.

However, Ava wasn’t exactly a free woman when she took her leave of Bayview. She was there on a court order, and it’ll be up to her doctors to decide her fate. Marlena (Deidre Hall) caught up with Harris and asked him to explain to her why he put on the heroics to help Ava. Harris explained that it “seemed like the right thing to do.” However, Marlena couldn’t help but take exception to Ava not being honest with her from the get-go where Susan was concerned.

Marlena also inquired as to whether or not Harris and Ava were something more than friends. And it wasn’t just because she was nosy. A romantic involvement with Ava could set Harris’s progress back. Harris swore there was nothing more than friendship between him and Ava. Marlena opined that he wasn’t being honest with himself. That or he was in complete denial.

The duo was then joined by Rafe and Ava. Despite herself, Marlena agreed to speak with Ava’s doctors on her behalf. In no time flat, Ava was a free woman…as was Harris. Well, he was free nonetheless. But he’s still going to receive extensive outpatient therapy with Marlena.


Rafe, for his part, delighted in the developments even as he seethed over EJ getting away with his crimes scot-free. “[Ava] may be off the hook, but you’re not, Elvis.” promised/threatened the lawman.

DAYS Recap: A Third, Squeaky Wheel

Having parted ways with Tate (Jamie Martin Mann) and learned, much to her chagrin, that Johnny (Carson Boatman) and Chanel (Raven Bownes) were back together, Holly (Ashley Puzemis) infiltrated the couple’s date night. When that didn’t prove to be the impediment that she’d hoped, Holly “accidentally” spilled water all over Chanel.

Equally unlucky was Johnny furnishing his lady love a loner outfit. Opposite this, Nicole (Arianne Zucker) caught up with Tate and deduced that he’d developed quite the crush on her daughter. Tate then relayed how his feelings were for naught since Holly was in love with another man, which took Nicole by surprise.

DOOL Recap: We Are Family(ish)

Though still (rightfully) concerned about her daughter’s crush, Nicole was heartened to run into a beaming EJ and his not-so-dead mommy. Susan was taken aback to see that Nicole was pregnant, and even more so to hear that the baby was EJ’s and that there had been a question surrounding its paternity.

Days of our Lives Recap: Wrapping It Up

Back at the DiMera mansion, Holly attempted to confide her interest in Johnny to the man himself but was interrupted. First by Susan’s return and then by Nicole who wanted to know who had caught her daughter’s eye.

Meanwhile, Tate threw quite the hissy fit when Brady (Eric Martsolf) revealed that he’d followed through on getting his son a job at the Brady Pub. Finally, Harris secured new lodging — at the Brady Pub, no less. He insisted to Marlena that his decision to leave Bayview had nothing to do with Ava no longer being there. Yeah, right.
