Criston Cole’S D.E.A.T.H Could Be One Of The Blacks’ Greatest Triumphs On House Of The Dragon


…But, in fact, it won’t be.

In all book versions of George Martin’s story, which serves as the source for House of the Dragon, Criston Cole was one of the pillars of the Green party, with his position as commander of the Kingsguard, his peerless personal fighting skills and his scheming intelligence.

He was nicknamed “Kingmaker” for his role in putting Aegon II on the throne and eventually served as Hand of the King under him.

So, when he died in the book, that was a major blow for the Greens, and marked one the lowest ebbs of their fortunes.

At that point Cole and Prince Aemond led their army to Harrenhal, hoping to draw Daemon Targaryen and the latter’s force into battle. However, instead they saw Harrenhal deserted, faced scorched earth tactics, which left them with no supply, and heard the news of King’s Landing betrayed to Rhaenyra.

Cole and Aemond quarreled over the preferable course of actions, and Aemond left on Vhagar, to wage his personal war, while Cole attempted to lead his deteriorating force south, in hopes of joining with the Hightowers’ army in the Reach. However, on the way he was ambushed and surrounded by a larger army of Black loyalists from the Riverlands and the North.


Then while holding a parley with the commanders of the Blacks’ forces, Criston Cole first attempted to negotiate surrender, trying to save lives of his men, and then challenged the three enemy commanders to a single combat, but was treacherously shot to death with arrows. After that the Greens killed most of his soldiers, demoralized by their commander’s death, calling the massacre the Butcher’s Ball.

While winning by a low blow brought little glory to them, they could take solace in the fact that they have destroyed one of the more dangerous Green champions and his army.

However, in House of the Dragon, at least so far, Ser Criston Cole is a personality of much lesser significance. In fact, despite his mysterious ability to kill people right in the middle of the royal court and get away with it, so far he is little more than Alicent’s attack dog.

He’s not even so formidable as a fighter. So while he’s likely to die roughly the same way around the end of Season 2 or in the beginning of Season 3, the show will have to work extra hard to make that death appear important.
