Grey’s Anatomy continues season 21 with an episode that finds the show back on solid footing. While episode 9 mainly continued stories from the fall finale – with mixed results – episode 10, titled “Jump (For My Love),” starts treading new ground for the characters.
Meredith and Nick finally return to Seattle, having last appeared on Grey’s back in October. While their most recent storyline centered on Catherine’s health, this time around, they’re back to help one of her former students, Dr. Evynn Moore, played by Emmy winner Lena Waithe. Evynn’s wife, Tasha (Andrea Bordeaux), needs a liver transplant, forcing Nick, Meredith, and Richard to work together on the case. Elsewhere, Ben and Winston have to perform a roadside operation on their way to retrieve donor organs, Amelia and Linc team up to help a divorcée, and Bailey hosts a retreat for the interns at her home.
Meredith & Richard’s Storyline Is A Welcome Turning Point
Lena Waithe Shines As Catherine’s Former Student
Considering the characters involved, it’s no surprise the transplant storyline is the real meat of the episode. Waithe is excellent in what winds up being a far thornier role than expected, and the case also allows for an update on Meredith and Nick’s relationship, as well as Meredith and Richard’s. While it’s great to see Meredith and Nick happy and stable in their romance, I was less thrilled by Meredith and Richard’s early scenes in the episode.
Richard makes it clear he’s still angry with Meredith for not telling him about Catherine’s condition early in the season, and it’s not a great look for the character considering Meredith saved his wife’s life. Catherine’s scenes with Meredith aren’t much better – she essentially absolves herself of blame, despite Meredith reminding her that Richard’s only angry because Catherine refused to tell him herself. Luckily, though, the three are on the same page by the episode’s end, thanks to an interesting twist that will spill over into the next episode as well.
While the storyline winds up coming together pretty nicely, I would love to see Nick and Meredith interact with more characters when they make these return trips to Seattle. For example, it seems unlikely Meredith wouldn’t have bumped into Amelia at some point, but we don’t see that (in this episode, at least).
Season 21 Episode 10’s Other Storylines Provide Nice Support
Grey’s Anatomy Characters Continue To Grow Together
The episode’s other storylines also find characters bonding, sometimes in unexpected ways. It’s nice to see Ben and Winston together, and Jason George continues to prove he’s one of the Grey’s franchise’s most valuable players. Put him with pretty much any character, and he’ll find an easy chemistry, in this case, offering Winston some much-needed romantic advice.
There’s also some nice romantic reflection in Link and Amelia’s interactions, and I continue to be really pleased with the way the show has handled that relationship. Despite their complicated past, there’s a maturity there that’s often missing when characters break up. It feels right that Amelia serves as a catalyst of sorts to Link making a big, very welcome decision by the episode’s end.
The show takes a moment to poke fun at everything the interns have been through, and it’s the sort of gallows humor that Grey’s has always done well.
The intern retreat is a nice change of pace for the show, getting Bailey, Jules, Simone, Blue, and Lucas out of the hospital. I expected it would end with the interns finally coming together in the wake of Mika’s departure, but there are a couple of nice, warm beats along the way. The show also takes a moment to poke fun at everything the interns have been through, and it’s the sort of gallows humor that Grey’s has always done well.
The Rest Of Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Feels A Lot More Promising After Episode 10
It’s A Pleasant Return To Form After Episode 9
Since I found Grey’s Anatomy’s last episode pretty frustrating at times, it’s great to see the show settle in a bit more here after the long break. It also helps that the episode moves several storylines forward, but in a way that feels organic and not like the show is going through the motions. With any luck, that will continue through the rest of Grey’s Anatomy season 21.