5 Burning Questions Grey’S Anatomy Season 20 Needs To Answer

As Grey’s Anatomy heads into its twentieth season, there are ten burning questions that need to be answered for viewers. ABC’s long-running medical drama has seen a large number of character entrances and exits, trials and tribulations, and romantic relationships. Despite there being nineteen seasons already, season 20 of Grey’s Anatomy is highly anticipated and there are many things that are audiences are hoping to see in it.

Given that season 20 of Grey’s Anatomy will have a shorter run with only 10 episodes, there is less time for every storyline to be fully explored. There are, however, a number of open plots from season 19’s ending that need to be given priority. With this season marking Grey’s Anatomy’s second full decade of entertaining audiences, it is important that it lives up to the high expectations viewers have for it and provides satisfying answers to all of the lingering questions.

Is Teddy Altman Going To Survive?

Grey’s Anatomy’s final episode of season 19 saw Chief of Surgery, Teddy Altman, complaining of a toothache. At first, it seemed like no big deal, with Teddy and the hospital staff joking about how her working through it represented Teddy’s utmost commitment to her job. It ended up being much more serious than expected, though, as Teddy passed out in the OR just before cutting into a patient for emergency surgery. The episode ends with Owen running into the OR and seeing his wife on the floor and taking over defibrillation.

Given how dramatic of a moment this was and how integral of a part of Grey’s Anatomy’s Teddy Altman is, one of the biggest questions season 20 needs to answer is whether or not she survives. Cast announcements for season 20 have said that the actress behind Teddy, Kim Raver, is set to return, but this doesn’t necessarily mean she is alive. She could be in a comatose state or featured in flashback scenes.

Are Jo And Link Going To Start A Relationship?

Since Link was first introduced to Grey’s Anatomy viewers in season 15, there has been very obvious chemistry between him and Jo. Season 19 built upon this, with the two living together and tensions rising. After all of the “will they, won’t they” of the previous seasons, Link finally confessed his love for Jo, and the two shared a meaningful kiss. It is unclear, though, if they will begin a relationship with one another or if they will be hesitant to do so for the sake of their friendship. Given how long their relationship has been a focus in Grey’s Anatomy, it’s essential that season 20 addresses this within its first episodes.

Will Richard Maintain His Sobriety?

Grey’s Anatomy has shown Richard Weber’s struggles with maintaining sobriety for years. After losing his sponsor and a close colleague in season 15, it seemed like Richard was going to break his sobriety. He managed to maintain it, but now it is in question again. Season 19, episode 20 implied that Richard ordered himself a vodka tonic, but this was never confirmed. Given how involved viewers have been in Richard’s journey with alcoholism and sobriety, a burning question that remains after the finale is whether or not he actually drank what he ordered. If he did, seeing how he handles breaking sobriety and what the future looks like for him should be a key part of the season.

Are Meredith And Nick Still Going Strong?

With season 19 of Grey’s Anatomy confirming that Meredith and Nick have reconnected and are in a relationship, there is natural curiosity about whether or not viewers will see more of Nick in the upcoming season. It is possible that Nick could make an appearance when Meredith does, which will give audiences a glimpse into how the couple is doing. Meredith’s romantic relationships have always been a key part of Grey’s Anatomy, so finding out how her latest relationship is going is a key question going into season 20.

Will Helm And Yasuda To Work Through Their Power Dynamic?

The end of season 20 of Grey’s Anatomy included Yasuda confessing her feelings for Helm. Helm reciprocated those feelings, but also noted that she is going to be Yasuda’s boss now. This can cause some very tricky power dynamics, and it will be interesting to see how they impact their relationship. Grey’s Anatomy has not shied away from boss and employee relationships before, as Meredith and Derek had the same dynamic. Their relationship was able to work, but season 20 needs to answer whether Yasuda and Helm are impacted by the imbalance.