10 Pivotal Blue Bloods Episodes Every Fan Should Re-Watch

Out of 13 seasons of “Blue Bloods,” there were a lot of really good, great even, episodes. Still, some of them were so intense and pivotal plot-wise, they stayed with us long after the credits rolled.

1. “Family Ties” (Season 1, Episode 12) – IMDb rating: 7.5

Remember when Frank faced off against Russian mobster Anatoli Kirkin? The stakes were high when a young woman got kidnapped to pressure her Russian mobster father to return to the criminal world. On the domestic front, Erin’s dating life became a topic of family discussion. The play between international intrigue and personal relationships was masterfully intertwined in this episode. What’s family dinner without some banter, right?

2. “The Bitter End” (Season 3, Episode 22) – IMDb rating: 8.4

Oh, boy! Talk about gripping. Jamie’s partner, Vinny Cruz, was gunned down in a drive-by shooting. As the Reagans scrambled to track down the shooter, emotions ran high. In an unforgettable scene, Danny consoled Jamie, reinforcing their brotherly bond. Meanwhile, the audience got a glance into the tough realities officers face on the streets daily. When they say “shield before self”, episodes like these bring that motto to life.

3. “Excessive Force” (Season 5, Episode 4) – IMDb rating: 8.5

False accusations threw the precinct into a frenzy. Danny got accused of using excessive force on a suspect, and a video of the incident went viral. Meanwhile, Frank dealt with the political repercussions. The intriguing thing about this episode? It’s not just about a cop’s duty, but also about public perception and trust. Makes you think, doesn’t it?

4. “The Poor Door” (Season 5, Episode 14) – IMDb rating: 7.9

Ah, the complexities of New York real estate. This episode took a deep dive into socioeconomic disparities when Danny and Baez investigated a murder in a luxury apartment building with separate entrances for wealthy and low-income residents. Erin faced challenges of her own in the courtroom. What stood out was the stark contrast of the “two worlds” colliding in one setting.

5. “Hold Outs” (Season 6, Episode 9) – IMDb rating: 7.8

Who could forget the tension in this courtroom drama? When Erin’s key witness, an infamous photographer, was nearly killed in a hit and run, she arranged for Danny to safeguard him. Simultaneously, Jamie and Eddie stumbled upon a large stash of cash, making them think twice about what to do with it. The episode elegantly juggles issues of morality and duty, with a pinch of humor here and there.

6. “Mob Rules” (Season 7, Episode 4) – IMDb rating: 7.6

Danny dove headfirst into a case when a key witness in his ongoing case against a mob boss was killed. Meanwhile, the PC dinner had an unexpected guest: the mob boss himself. A battle of wits between Frank and the mobster was something to behold. A classic cop-mob showdown with a Blue Bloods twist. Let’s just say, there’s a reason we love those Reagan confrontations!

7. “Down the Rabbit Hole” (Season 6, Episode 20) – IMDb rating: 8.0

Ever heard of a case hitting too close to home? This episode defined it. Erin faced a challenging dilemma when a man she set free for a crime he didn’t commit became the prime suspect in a murder case. Her guilt wrestled with her sense of justice. Add a little dash of Jamie rescuing an infant from a burning building, and you have a balanced cocktail of emotions and action.

8. “Legacy” (Season 8, Episode 15) – IMDb rating: 6.9

Being a cop in NYC is no walk in the park. Danny considered retiring until Erin enlisted his help in an unsolved case involving a convicted rapist. Elsewhere, Frank and the mayor clashed over protests in the city. The focal point of this episode? To stay or not to stay in the line of duty. And let’s face it, Danny without the badge? It’s hard to picture.

9. “Blues” (Season 9, Episode 15) – IMDb rating: 8.2

A colleague’s suicide shook the entire department. The mysterious circumstances surrounding her death led Danny, Baez, and even Jamie to get involved. Frank, on the other hand, navigated the challenges of a “blue flu” within the NYPD. This was a raw, powerful episode on mental health and the tolls of the job. Moments like these make you appreciate the support system the Reagans have in each other.

10. “Triumph Over Trauma” (Season 11, Episode 1) – IMDb rating: 7.8

Welcome to a season opener that packs a punch! Danny and Baez frantically searched for a serial killer. Jamie and Joe Hill, however, were trapped in a basement with a ticking bomb. Talk about intense! The suspense was palpable, and the stakes? Sky-high. Between life and death situations, the Reagans showed what they’re made of. Spoiler: it’s resilience and a whole lot of love.